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Icon Quick install instructions

  1. XTide 2 is Copyright (C) 1998 by David Flater, comes with absolutely no warranty, and is provided under the GNU General Public License.  See the verbose documentation for all of the relevant disclaimers.
  2. XTide 2 requires:
  3. You must download at least one harmonics file.  See https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmonicsfiles.
  4. You must set the environment variable HFILE_PATH to point to the harmonics files that you downloaded.  Example:
    export HFILE_PATH=/usr/local/share/xtide/harmonics-free.tcd:/usr/local/share/xtide/harmonics-nonfree.tcd
  5. ./configure; make
  6. You should now have three binaries:
  7. The X-windows client is easy to use.  Go for it.
  8. tide does a few things that xtide doesn't do.  Run it with nothing on the command line and read the usage info.
  9. xttpd is a self-contained web server.  su root, fire it up and browse away.  If it doesn't run, check your logs for errors and see https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html for configuration help.

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