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About harmonic constants and sub station corrections
Change log
B.1 Background
B.2 Secondary Station Adjustments Instructions (NOS)
B.3 Comparison of old and new results
B.4 Comparison with published tables
XTide distinguishes the following common events for current stations:
Max Flood | Maximum current in the flood (+) direction. |
Max Ebb | Maximum current in the ebb (−) direction. |
Slack, Flood Begins | Zero current preceding flood. |
Slack, Ebb Begins | Zero current preceding ebb. |
Additionally, it distinguishes two events that are not seen as frequently:
Min Flood | Minimum current in the flood (+) direction between two Max Floods when the current never crosses zero. |
Min Ebb | Minimum current in the ebb (−) direction between two Max Ebbs when the current never crosses zero. |
In XTide 2.8, a change was made to the application of offsets for Min Flood and Min Ebb events.
Event | XTide 2.7 time adjust | XTide 2.7 current adjust | XTide 2.8 time adjust | XTide 2.8 current adjust |
Min Flood | Same as Max Ebb | Same as Max Ebb | Same as Slack, Flood Begins; if null, use Max Flood | Same as Max Flood |
Min Ebb | Same as Max Flood | Same as Max Flood | Same as Slack, Ebb Begins; if null, use Max Ebb | Same as Max Ebb |
This change was made based on a reading of the highlighted sections of the National Ocean Service web page quoted below, which was downloaded from http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/t2chelp.html on 2004-09-15.
The second highlighted passage states that no attempt is made to predict the speed of the minimum currents. It would not make sense for XTide to leave these values unadjusted because a very small ratio could cause the supposed maxima to have lower amplitude than the minimum. Applying the ratio used for the surrounding maxima will give reasonable looking results as long as the adjustment is only a ratio. (Additive adjustments would not produce reasonable results.)
The publication of full daily predictions is necessarily limited to a comparatively small number of stations. These stations are referred to as "reference stations". Tidal current predictions for more than 2500 other locations can be obtained by applying certain differences to the daily predictions for the reference stations.
These pages provide a listing of the more than 2500 "subordinate stations" for which such predictions can be made, the differences and ratios to be used, and a link to the appropriate reference station. The stations in the listing are arranged geographically to make it possible to find stations which are available for an area you are interested in.
Since all tidal current stations are located offshore, many of them are named for the channels, rivers, and inlets they are located in, or for cities, towns, or navigational points they are located near. Some personal knowledge of the area you are interested in may be necessary to determine which station(s) are most appropriate for your use.
Depths: Although current measurements may have been recorded at various depths in the past, the data listed here for most subordinate stations are mean values determined to have been representative of the current at each location. For that reason, no specific current meter depth for those stations are given. Beginning with the Boston Harbor tidal current survey in 1971, data for individual meter depths were published and subsequent new data may be presented in a similar manner.
Since most of the current data in these pages came from meters suspended from survey vessels or anchored buoys, the listed depths are those measured downward from the surface. Some later data have come from meters anchored at fixed depths from the bottom. These meter positions were defined as depth below chart datum. Such defined depths in these pages will be accompanied by the small letter "d".
Minimum Currents: The user may note that at many locations the current may not diminish to a true slack water or zero speed stage. For that reason, the phrases, "minimum before flood" and "minimum before ebb" are used in these pages rather than "slack water" although either or both minimums may actually reach a zero speed value at some locations.
Maximum Currents: Near the coast and in inland waters, the current increases from a minimum current (slack water) for a period of about 3 hours until the maximum speed or strength of the current is reached. The speed then decreases for another period of about 3 hours when minimum current is again reached and the current begins a similar cycle in the opposite direction. The current that flows towards the coast or up a stream is known as the flood current; the opposite flow is known as the ebb current. Speeds of the current at reference stations are listed as positive values for floods and negative values for ebbs. These pages list the average directions of the maximum floods and maximum ebb currents. The directions listed are given in degrees, true, reading from 000 at north to 359 and are the directions toward which the current flow.
Differences and Speed Ratios: These pages contain time differences by which the user can compile approximate times for the minimum and maximum current phases at the subordinate stations. Time differences for those phases should be applied to the corresponding phases at the reference station. It will be seen upon inspection that some subordinate stations exhibit either a double flood or a double ebb stage, or both. In those cases, a separate time difference is listed for each of the three flood (or ebb) phases and should be applied only to the maximum flood (or ebb) phase at the reference station. The results obtained by the application of time differences will be based upon the local time meridian. Differences of time meridians between a subordinate stations and its reference station have been accounted for.
The speed ratios are used to compile approximations of the daily current speeds at the subordinate stations and refer only to the maximum floods and ebbs. No attempt is made to predict the speed of the minimum currents. These ratios are multiplied to the corresponding maximum current phases at the reference station. As mentioned before, however, some stations may exhibit either a double flood or a double ebb, or both. As with time differences, separate ratios are listed for each of the three flood (or ebb) phases and should be applied only to the daily maximum flood (or ebb) speed at the reference station. It should be noted that although the speed of a given current phase at a subordinate station is obtained by reference to the corresponding phase at a reference station, the directions of the current at the two places may differ considerably. These pages list the average directions of the maximum current phases at the subordinate stations.
Example Tidal Current Calculations
For Cape May Channel, the time and speed adjustments listed in the tables are:
Minimum Minimum Speed Before Flood Before Ebb Ratio Flood Ebb Flood Ebb -1 14 -1 30 -1 11 -0 45 1.1 1.8
and the reference station is Delaware Bay Entrance. If the times and speeds listed in column 1 are the minimum and maximum tidal currents for a day at Delaware Bay Entrance, column 2 are the time corrections, and column 3 are the speed corrections; column 4 will be the predicted currents at Cape May Channel. These values are computed by adding or subtracting the times in column 1 to the adjustments in column 2; and by multiplying the speeds in column 1 by the ratios in column 3.
(1) (2) (3) (4) Times Speed Times Speed 0114 0425 1.3 -1 14 -1 30 *1.1 0000 0255 1.4 0736 1055 -1.3 -1 11 -0 45 *1.8 0625 1010 -2.3 1351 1650 1.2 -1 14 -1 30 *1.1 1237 1520 1.3 1958 2316 -1.3 -1 11 -0 45 *1.8 1847 2231 -2.3
From http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/tab2pc2.html (2004-09-15):
Minimum Minimum Speed Direction Before Flood Before Ebb Ratio At Maximum Station Depth Flood Ebb Flood Ebb Flood Ebb Reference Station Admiralty Head, 0.5 mile west of -0 31 -0 03 +0 01 -0 07 1.3 1.2 145 025 Admiralty Inlet
Resulting XTide data set:
Name | Admiralty Head, 0.5 mile west of, Washington Current |
Reference | Admiralty Inlet, Washington Current |
Max time add | -00:03 |
Max level add | NULL |
Max level mult | 1.300 |
Min time add | -00:07 |
Min level add | NULL |
Min level mult | 1.200 |
Flood begins | -00:31 |
Ebb begins | +00:01 |
NOS predictions for 2004-09-08 and 2004-09-09 at reference station, from http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/ADMIRALI.shtml (2004-09-15):
Slack Maximum Slack Maximum Slack Maximum Slack Maximum Slack Maximum
Water Current Water Current Water Current Water Current Water Current
Day Time Time Veloc Time Time Veloc Time Time Veloc Time Time Veloc Time Time Veloc
h.m. h.m. knots h.m. h.m. knots h.m. h.m. knots h.m. h.m. knots h.m. h.m. knots
8 402 -2.3 814 1122 1.5 1449 1801 -1.2 2257 -0.1
9 508 -2.4 909 1219 1.7 1543 1856 -1.5
Corresponding XTide results:
Reference station | Sub station (XTide 2.7) | Sub station (XTide 2.8) |
2004-09-08 4:02 AM PDT -2.33 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-08 8:13 AM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2004-09-08 11:22 AM PDT 1.51 knots Max Flood
2004-09-08 2:48 PM PDT -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins
2004-09-08 6:01 PM PDT -1.22 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-08 10:57 PM PDT -0.07 knots Min Ebb
2004-09-09 5:08 AM PDT -2.36 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-09 9:08 AM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2004-09-09 12:19 PM PDT 1.71 knots Max Flood
2004-09-09 3:42 PM PDT -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins
2004-09-09 6:56 PM PDT -1.47 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-09 11:22 PM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2004-09-08 3:55 AM PDT -2.80 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-08 7:42 AM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2004-09-08 11:19 AM PDT 1.96 knots Max Flood
2004-09-08 2:49 PM PDT -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins
2004-09-08 5:54 PM PDT -1.47 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-08 10:54 PM PDT -0.09 knots Min Ebb
2004-09-09 5:01 AM PDT -2.84 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-09 8:37 AM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2004-09-09 12:16 PM PDT 2.22 knots Max Flood
2004-09-09 3:43 PM PDT -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins
2004-09-09 6:49 PM PDT -1.77 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-09 10:51 PM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2004-09-08 3:55 AM PDT -2.80 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-08 7:42 AM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2004-09-08 11:19 AM PDT 1.96 knots Max Flood
2004-09-08 2:49 PM PDT -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins
2004-09-08 5:54 PM PDT -1.47 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-08 10:58 PM PDT -0.08 knots Min Ebb
2004-09-09 5:01 AM PDT -2.84 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-09 8:37 AM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2004-09-09 12:16 PM PDT 2.22 knots Max Flood
2004-09-09 3:43 PM PDT -0.00 knots Slack, Ebb Begins
2004-09-09 6:49 PM PDT -1.77 knots Max Ebb
2004-09-09 10:51 PM PDT 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
When the change in XTide's behavior was made in 2004, the NOS web site did not provide calculated predictions at the subordinate stations for comparison. Upon reviewing the issue in 2007 (at which time those predictions were available), it was found that the published tables did neither of the behaviors that were implemented in XTide.
XTide 2.7 | XTide 2.8 | NOS 2007 |
Flood | Minimum Before Ebb | Ebb |
Whereas the behavior of the published tables seemed to be in conflict with the Secondary Station Adjustments Instructions, it was resolved not to change the behavior of XTide at that time.
NOS table copied from http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/get_predc.shtml?year=2007&stn=6030+Admiralty+Inlet&fldavgd=179&ebbavgd=003&footnote= 2007-02-24
Admiralty Inlet | |
Predicted Tidal Current | March, 2007 |
Flood Direction, 179 True. | Ebb (-)Direction, 003 True. |
NOAA, National Ocean Service |
Slack Water | Maximum Current | Slack Water | Maximum Current | Slack Water | Maximum Current | Slack Water | Maximum Current | Slack Water | Maximum Current | ||||||
Day | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots |
12 | 0049 | 0347 | -0.9 | 0825 | -0.1 | 1458 | -2.4 | 1917 | 2229 | +1.5 | |||||
13 | 0207 | 0512 | -1.0 | 0948 | -0.2 | 1610 | -2.4 | 2019 | 2335 | +1.8 |
Comparable XTide output, using harmonics-rmk-20040615.tcd
tide -l"admiralty inlet" -b"2007-03-12 00:00" -e"2007-03-14 00:00" -mc -empSsMm -tf"%H%M" -fh
Day | Slack | Flood | Slack | Ebb | Slack | Flood | Slack |
Mon 12 | 0048 | 0347 −0.93 kt 0824 −0.08 kt 1457 −2.41 kt | 1916 | 2229 1.52 kt | |||
Tue 13 | 0206 | 0512 −1.04 kt 0948 −0.18 kt 1610 −2.45 kt | 2018 | 2335 1.75 kt |
Name Agate Pass, North End of, Washington Current Reference Admiralty Inlet, Washington Current Min time add -0:59 Min level add NULL Min level mult 0.700 Max time add -1:00 Max level add NULL Max level mult 0.800 Flood begins -1:28 Ebb begins -0:18
NOS table copied from http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/get_predc.shtml?year=2007&stn=6030+Admiralty+Inlet&secstn=Agate+Passage,+north+end&sbfh=%2D1&sbfm=28&fldh=%2D1&fldm=00&sbeh=%2D0&sbem=18&ebbh=%2D0&ebbm=59&fldr=0.8&ebbr=0.7&fldavgd=230&ebbavgd=032&footnote= 2007-02-24
Agate Passage, north end | |
Predicted Tidal Current | March, 2007 |
Flood Direction, 230 True. | Ebb (-)Direction, 032 True. |
NOAA, National Ocean Service |
Slack Water | Maximum Current | Slack Water | Maximum Current | Slack Water | Maximum Current | Slack Water | Maximum Current | Slack Water | Maximum Current | ||||||
Day | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots | Time h.m. | Time h.m. | Veloc knots |
12 | 0031 | 0248 | -0.6 | 0726 | -0.1 | 1359 | -1.7 | 1749 | 2129 | +1.2 | |||||
13 | 0149 | 0413 | -0.7 | 0849 | -0.1 | 1511 | -1.7 | 1851 | 2235 | +1.4 |
Comparable XTide output, using harmonics-rmk-20040615.tcd
tide -l"Agate Pass, North End of, Washington Current" -b"2007-03-12 00:00" -e"2007-03-14 00:00" -mc -empSsMm -tf"%H%M" -fh
Day | Slack | Flood | Slack | Ebb | Slack | Flood | Slack |
Mon 12 | 0030 | 0248 −0.65 kt 0806 −0.06 kt 1358 −1.69 kt | 1748 | 2129 1.21 kt | |||
Tue 13 | 0148 | 0413 −0.73 kt 0930 −0.13 kt 1511 −1.71 kt | 1850 | 2235 1.40 kt |
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About harmonic constants and sub station corrections
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