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Data refresh 2024-12-29

The data refresh available from https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmonicsfiles includes routine updates and corrections.  A corresponding update of the harmonic constants management package is available from https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#experts.

tcd-utils 2024-02-22

This legacy package for converting Tide Constituent Database (TCD) files to and from other formats has been refreshed to fix a FTB with GCC 14.  Get the latest from https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#extras.

Mailing list migration 2024-02-04

There is an announce-only mailing list to which I send notices of each update to XTide or the harmonics data.  Effective 2024-02-04, it has moved to Google Groups.  If you want to remain on the list, please subscribe to the new one.

To subscribe any address, send an email to xtide-announce+subscribe@googlegroups.com and reply to the confirmation email.  Those with Google accounts can instead sign in and join directly at https://groups.google.com/d/forum/xtide-announce.  The archives can be viewed by anyone at https://groups.google.com/d/forum/xtide-announce.

The archives of the old mailing list will remain at https://pairlist10.pair.net/pipermail/xtide-announce/ until they are deleted.

XTide 2.15.5 (libxtide.so.1.0.4) 2022-05-11

XTide 2.15.5 restored compatibility with recent gpsd.  XTide 2.15.4 fixed a FTB with libXaw 1.0.14 and assorted minor issues.  Get the latest from https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html and see the changelog for details.

ftp is dead

The archive is at https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/.  Old links pointing to ftp://ftp.flaterco.com/xtide/... should be redirected to https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/....

End of maintenance for non-free data

For various reasons, I have ended maintenance of the non-free data set.  Anyone interested in generating new harmonic constants from published data can find information and a list of data sources here.

To do list

Fix Dstr.


Major things to do in XTide 3 if life turns out not to be too short after all:



All the cheap and nasty reverse geocoding for the purpose of improving station descriptions is stupid and should be punted to QGIS.


It should be possible to link directly with liboctave to avoid the very inefficient conversion of input data from binary to text and back again that currently is done.  However, this would be fixing something that is not broken, and is neither important nor urgent.


Purge antique portability workarounds from configure.ac.  Always just include stdint not inttypes.

In signed_bit_unpack, extend_mask << numbits uses undefined behavior.

In the documentation section on inference, cite NOAA SP NOS CO-OPS 3 Sec. 4.2.3 explaining how bogus it is.

Things to do in the next major revision, if there ever is one:

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